Donations Made Easier

We partner with nonprofits, faith-based, and membership organizations to offer members a co-branded credit card that turns 2% of purchases into tax-deductible donations. (For 501c3 organizations)
Higher Rewards Co Branded Credit Cards

How it works

Zero fees for your organization's participation.

Sign up for your nonprofits credit card

Step 1

Sign up for your nonprofits credit card

Use the card to pay for groceries, gas, phone bills etc.

Step 2

Use the card to pay for groceries, gas, phone bills etc.

2% of every purchase becomes a donation and can be a tax write off

Step 3

2% of every purchase becomes a donation and could be a tax write off


At Higher Rewards, we recognize the persistent challenges that fundraising presents. In response, we’ve created an affordable, passive solution that empowers you to continually serve your community.

Non profit credit card donations
Credit card donations, nonprofit


Donor support is vital to the organizations you are passionate about. Higher Rewards simplifies the donation process, so you can lead with your heart, not your wallet.

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This Week In The Community

Higher Rewards is planning something big -- follow us for more community updates.


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